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Health Solutions International

About Us

Here at Health Solutions International, we are dedicated to advancing healthcare standards to save lives by sourcing new approaches to emerging global health challenges through research, policy development  and implementation. We foster improved standards of health care, providing mentorship, empowerment for vulnerable groups and a platform to advocate for patient safety.


Our vision is “Advancing Health Care Standards to Save Lives.”


The mission of the Health Solutions International is “to build a healthy generation, and improve health by supporting various global health solutions, maternal and child health initiatives and empowering of vulnerable groups achieving equity in health for all people worldwide.”

Who We Are

Health Solutions International is a non- profit organisation that is dedicated to advancing health care standards to save lives by sourcing new approaches to emerging global health challenges through research and implementation science. It is a multinational platform for fostering and providing improved standards of health care, patient safety, mentoring, and empowerment for vulnerable groups. 

Global initiatives to improve health have traditionally focused on immunization, sanitation, nutrition and infectious diseases in low and middle-income countries. In spite of this, available data shows that surgical diseases are a very significant public health and social burden that have, unfortunately, been traditionally neglected in favour of infectious diseases. [1]The total volume of surgery undertaken worldwide has recently been estimated as 234 million procedures per year, compared to 136 million births worldwide (Weiser, Regenbogen et al.). Obstetrics is therefore critical to public health, with safe surgery and safe anaesthesia being critical components of comprehensive emergency obstetric care. [2] ( Epiu I. et al BMC Pregnancy and Child Birth 17 (2017): 387. PMC.)

Globally, 300,000 maternal deaths occur every year, with the vast majority occurring in low resource settings. The World Health 2014 report puts the lifetime risk of dying during pregnancy, in the poorest parts of the world, at 1 in 40. This is similar to what was seen in developed countries more than 100 years ago. With the current inadequate access to appropriate health care in the region, this situation is bound to worsen.

The United Nations 2015 Millennium Development Goals targeted a 75% reduc- tion in maternal mortality. However, in spite of this goal, the number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births remains unacceptably high across Sub-Saharan Africa. Because many of these deaths could likely be averted with access to safe surgery, including cesarean delivery, we set out to assess the capacity to provide safe anesthetic care for mothers in the main referral hospitals in East Africa[3]. (Epiu Isabella et al A&A 124, 1, Page 290-299; 2017. LWW))

We identified significant shortages of both the personnel and equipment needed to provide safe anesthetic care for obstetric surgical cases across East Africa. There is a need to increase the number of physician anesthetists, to improve the training of non-physician anesthesia providers, and to develop management protocols for obstetric patients requiring anesthesia. This will strengthen health systems and improve surgical outcomes in developing countries. More funding is required for training physician anesthetists if developing countries are to reach the targeted specialist workforce density of the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery of 20 surgical, anesthetic, and obstetric physicians per 100,000 population by 2030. (Epiu Isabella et al A&A 124, 1, Page 290-299; 2017. LWW)


In light of this, there is need to develop strategies for achieving and sustaining further reductions in maternal mortality. As we transition the international agenda from Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals there is urgent need to build resilient health systems to improve health outcomes in our communities. Health Solutions International will work in partnership with local and international businesses, Non-Governmental Organizations, policy makers and governments, to provide solutions to this crisis.

[1] Weiser, T. G., S. E. Regenbogen, et al. (2008). "An estimation of the global volume of surgery: a modelling strategy based on available data." The Lancet 372(9633): 139-144.

[2] Epiu Isabella et al BMC Pregnancy and Child Birth 17 (2017): 387. PMC  

[3] Epiu Isabella et al Anesthesia & Analgesia, 124, 1, Page 290-299; 2017. LWW

Core values of Health Solutions International


Choosing the best people for our work, employing the best available practices, and always challenging ourselves to improve through innovation, strategic planning, collaboration and teamwork.


Developing resilient systems to ensure the best possible return on the health care investment for our communities.


Promoting access to essential health care services


Making sure that all members in the community can access essential health care services


Developing a system free of bias with equitable access to health care services


Recognizing the value of adhering to an incorruptible moral code of conduct.


Remembering that caring is as important as care. The highest calling of our profession is to provide comfort to those who are in distress.

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